With 2014 fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. While there is never a bad time to start acting sustainably, New Years is a fun and convenient time to make a few green changes. Making a green New Year’s resolution is a great way to get the year off to a wonderful start, and hopefully any changes that you make in January will become a regular part of your life by the end of the year.
Not sure where to start when it comes to a green New Year’s resolution? The Do It Green! website has hundreds of articles and tips to inspire you, or you can follow the lead of the Do It Green! Team. Here are some of the resolutions that Do It Green! Minnesota Team Members are making for 2014:
- Build and start a home vermicomposter
- Buy less packaged food and more local, seasonal foods
- Cook more at home
- Simplify- sort through all my things and find new homes or recycle what I don’t need or use anymore
- Volunteer to help others in the community
- Start a green group in my community
- Find time to meditate, breath deep, or relax in the outdoors for rejuvenation
- Switch to more sustainable toothpaste and dental floss
- Encourage my coworkers to turn off their computer monitors at the end of the day
- Start darning my socks instead of buying new ones
- Buy organic and heirloom garden seeds
- Borrow seldom-used items from friends instead of buying my own