
Do It Green! Minnesota serves as a clearinghouse for everything green in Minnesota. We try to meet the needs of each person, organization or business wherever they are at in their path to reducing their environmental impact.

We offer a variety of resources to meet your needs in whatever capacity you are going green.

Events Calendar

Our community calendar helps you find local green events. You can add your events, too!

Read Up!

Visit our Green Living Articles and Green Tips.

Seed Library Program

We’re pleased to announce that the Do It Green! Seed Library has found a home at the Midtown Global Market.

Stop by to drop off your extra seeds or pick up new-to-you seeds as you begin making your garden plans for next season!


Our monthly newsletter offers green living educational articles, tips, featured green businesses, and upcoming green events in Minnesota. Sign up to receive our newsletter or browse the archives.


Read our monthly blog.

Social Media

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google.

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