Green Partners Networking Meeting: Zero Waste in Hennepin County – How Low Can We Go?

April 12, 2017 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join Hennepin County and the Green Partners Network in a discussion about what it will take to reach our 75 percent recycling goal by 2030. We invite you to provide input as Hennepin County begins developing its 2018-2030 Solid Waste Management Master Plan. Your experience and insight as an environmental educator, project leader or volunteer, or community leader will be valuable as the county determines priorities and education and outreach strategies to reduce waste.

Learn about the waste issue
The meeting will start with a tour of the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center where participants will have an opportunity to see our trash up close. Then we’ll learn about the progress we’ve made towards our current recycling goals. We will also dive into the results of the county’s waste study to see what is in our trash and identify the best opportunities to reduce waste and increase recycling.

Provide input on strategies to reduce waste
We’ll break into small groups to explore barriers to reducing waste and brainstorm ideas on waste prevention, organics, recycling, communications strategies, public outreach, and youth engagement. Participants will move from table to table to share ideas about each topic area.

Networking meetings are open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. To participate in the tour you must RSVP and sign a waiver. You do not need to participate in the tour to participate in the discussion. RSVP to Patience Caso at or 612-348-9352.

For more information, visit: Green Partners Networking Meeting: Zero Waste in Hennepin County – How Low Can We Go?

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