The Circle that Bridges Community – Guardianship of Water

May 3, 2017 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Guardianship of Water
Northland Sustainable Solutions invites you to build bridges that move us toward personal and planetary transformation. We are acting together in environmental conversation for ecological restoration. We believe real solutions emerge when take time to fully understand each other and the common concerns we face. On May 3, we celebrate our interconnection and shared responsibility for the guardianship of water.
Carolyn Raffensperger - Executive Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network (SEHN). Carolyn will speak about the guardianship of water and the rights of future generations. She is a recognized expert in the concept and application of "free prior and informed consent" and was the first attorney on the ground last year at Standing Rock.
Sara Thomsen – Back by popular demand, renowned singer and songwriter, Sara Thomsen will weave the evening with her music that speaks to our hearts and whispers to our souls. We will all join her in singing the songs that inspire us to do the important work of our time.
Information about the upcoming Women's Congress for Future Generations (November 2 -5, 2017), Twin Cities will be announced. Two lucky people in attendance will receive a $50 voucher to be used toward the Women’s Congress registration in November!
5:00-6:00 Community Building, part 1. – Enjoy delicious foods provided by the Gastrotruck - Artisinal Street Cuisine & Catering. Develop conversations with water organizations and representatives that share our concern for this precious resource. Mingling together in conversation to share stories of water, pipelines, factory farming, food, and more.
6:00-6:45 Welcome of Carolyn Raffensperger: honoring Carolyn with music and words. Carolyn explains the work of the Women's Congress for Future Generations, tells us the stories of her work at Standing Rock, and her work to protect the waters. Sara Thomsen will perform.
6:45-7:30 Community Building, part 2. – More Eating and conversations with water organizations and representatives that share our concern. We connect and mingle with purpose in reflection of Carolyn's presentation. “What is yours to do as a guardian of water?" Chance to talk with Carolyn. Final bids on silent auction items.
7:30-8:00 The Women's Congress for Future Generations comes to Minneapolis, Minnesota on November 2 -5, 2017. Information and exciting announcements are shared. Sing-a-long with Sara Thomsen. Songs to include "Water is Life," A Woman's Place," "Deep Peace," and "By Breath." More if time allows!
8:00-8:20 Update on the Indigenous water protectors at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota and the ongoing struggle. Opportunity for personal actions based on current list of needs from camp leaders. Sara Thomsen will perform.
8:20-8:30 Community Building, part 3. - Closing circle. Music, singing, drumming, and water protection prayer.

For more information, visit: The Circle that Bridges Community - Guardianship of Water

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