“The Lawn of the Future: Converting Kentucky bluegrass to native alternatives—from those appearing lawn-like to meadows of pollinator habitat”

March 21, 2017 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Tired of mowing, watering, fertilizing, raking to keep up with your neighbors? This lawn of the future will free you from those chores while staying within the rough conventions of lawn appearance. There are many ways to transform common Kentucky bluegrass turf into low maintenance alternatives. Douglas will present examples of “No Mow”, where it will thrive, and how to get it established. He will also offer several alternatives for sites where “No Mow” lawn seed mix will not survive. He has been testing a variety of sedge (Carex) and rush (Juncus) species. He will show us examples of these alternatives and answer your questions about establishing these new options as well as how to care for them.

FamilyMeans Building, 1875 Northwestern Ave., Stillwater, MN

For more information, visit: “The Lawn of the Future: Converting Kentucky bluegrass to native alternatives—from those appearing lawn-like to meadows of pollinator habitat”

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