Native Prairie Planting at Cherokee Park

June 9, 2018 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Join Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) staff and volunteers for our first public restoration event at Cherokee Regional Park – one of St. Paul's most visited parks. On June 9th, we will begin work needed to restore this historically oak savanna and maple-basswood forested bluff-top park by planting a mix of native prairie plants. These showy flowers and grasses will not only beautify the park but provide much-needed bee, butterfly and bird habitat. And, with deep root systems that act like filters, they'll help reduce the amount of run-off pollution and secure the soil along the bluff.

As always, all are welcome. No previous experience is necessary. However, capacity is limited and registration required. We'll provide any tools and training needed.

To learn more and register, visit

For more information, visit: Native Prairie Planting at Cherokee Park

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