Seeding a New Prairie

April 13, 2019 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Pre-registration is required:

Volunteers will carefully seed a new prairie reconstruction at Ravine Parkway by hand-sowing and raking in seeds collected by volunteers last fall. In this fast developing area, prairie is an ideal habitat; the plants’ deep roots hold soil and filter rainwater before it enters the Mississippi River.

Open to all ages, children must be supervised.
Light breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided.

Partners & Funders: South Washington Watershed District, Outdoor Heritage Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 3M Foundation, Andersen Corporate Foundation, and St. Croix Valley Foundation.

Some considerations:
• Difficulty level of restoration task: Moderate
• We supply: Tools and equipment (gloves, shovels, safety glasses, etc.), drinking water, and all training
• This event will occur rain or shine – wear boots in case of muddy conditions

For more information, visit: Seeding a New Prairie

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