April 2019: Green Buying Habits

We focused on buying habits and food. Here are the main points and provided links for your convenience.

  • Watch out for Greenwashing: products that look eco-friendly but aren’t
  • Look for these logos on products to validate that they’re eco-friendly
  • Buying online: it uses 35 percent less energy and carbon emissions compared to making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar store
  • Buy less cheese and meat:
    • 1lb of cheese produces 11 lbs or more of CO2
    • Globally animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all the world’s transportation systems combined.
  • Buy in bulk: local coops sell nuts, grains, soap, shampoo, and laundry detergent and more in bulk. They have containers there or bring your own!
  • Buy local: look for foods that are grown near you and are in season (reference the little pamphlet I gave out)
  • Imperfect Produce– “ugly” produce subscription to be sent to your house weekly ($11-17 per week for 1-2 people depending on your box subscription)
  • TC Food Justice– a local non-profit bringing fresh produce to hunger relief organizations
  • Wasted– a documentary about food waste and how to reduce it
  • NRDC (National Resource Defense Council), brings scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates together to make global and local changes. Info on food waste link below
  • Clean Cult: All Natural, biodegradable, zero waste, green cleaners, carbon neutral cleaning products
  • Sweatshirt made from recycled coffee beans and plastic bottles. **Keep in mind that kick starters may take longer to receive items than originally quoted

We hope this helps you live a more sustainable life! For more resources on going green read our Green Living Articles and Green Tips.


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