August 2020: Composting

Composting is a good way to greatly reduce your waste (and prevent your trash from smelling), and it doesn’t have to be hard!
Whether the city where you live provides organics recycling or you’re able to compost in your backyard, come join our conversation to learn about what items can be composted and how composting looks like for you in times of COVID-19. A compost sorting activity will be part of the discussion which will cover items beyond the food scraps, like compostable products.

To join:

Click on the link here – – the day of the event. To call-in by phone dial +1 650-449-9509‬ and enter pin ‪873 466 400‬#.

About Green Coffee Talks:

Are you looking to “go green” or grow your green community? Come meet and collaborate with other eco-friendly people…virtually for now! We’ll discuss how to overcome the challenges of staying green and share tips/resources on eco-friendly options! Each meeting has a specific topic to learn about, but the conversations go with the flow. Every once in awhile, we mix in a socially distanced community activity. Green Coffee Talks are held once a month. Post to this event to suggest a topic for upcoming events.


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