- Install compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Weather proof your home
- Keep up proper car maintenance including checking your tire pressure
- Eat locally, buy local grocery products as much as possible
- Install aerators on water faucets
- Use recycled paper products
- Compost all food scraps and yard waste
- Reduce your driving as much as possible
- Unplug phone chargers etc when not in use
- Set your water heater to 120 degrees
- Buy and install an insulating blanket on your water heater
- Avoid opening and closing refrigerators and ovens as much as possible
- Turn your thermostat up a few degrees in the summer and down in the winter
- Phase in non-meat meals to your diet
- Buy local, small farm sourced meat products
- Buy shade grown coffee
- Use a reusable coffee filter
- Use timers, motion sensors and power strips for your electronics
- Reduce the junk mail coming to your home www.reduce.org
- Run full loads in your dishwasher and washing machine
Top 20 Warming Actions