The Shoreview Green Community is a group of citizens from the north metro community of Shoreview who are working with the Sierra Club North Star Chapter to make Shoreview a model community for its environmental practices. The effort, formed in May 2005, evolved from a vision to build on the environmental values of local citizens to improve their community’s performance on a set of “green indicators” while making Shoreview a model community for its environmental practices.
Members decided to write a Green Community Report evaluating Shoreview’s performance on the green indicators. This was presented at the Shoreview Green Community Campaign Kick-off in November 2005.
Three top priorities were chosen:
- Clean Water
- Efficient Resource Use
- Transportation
Since then, the Clean Water group has hosted a forum on local water quality and created a “Project Wet” workshop for educators. They have since restored a rain garden next to the fire station and designed a Clean Water booth at the Slice of Shoreview festival to educate residents about water quality. The Efficient Resource Use group hosted a Wind Power Forum and subsequently knocked on more than 500 doors to get residents to participate in the local utility’s wind power program. They have also created and staffed wind power promotion tables at a local natural foods market and at the Slice of Shoreview. The Transportation group presented their concerns to the City Council and hosted a Bike Safety Clinic and transportation alternatives table at the Slice of Shoreview, a local summer festival. Many other projects are planned such as Buckthorn tree removal. We hope this can be a model for other Green Communities.
Sierra Club North Star Chapter
Shoreview Green Community Campaign