Make a Difference and Make It Fun!

Ami Voeltz
Do It Green! Minnesota

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead

There is a new type of environmental activism in the air-along with protests, lobbying, letter writing, and campaigns, there are small groups of individuals making changes together in their own homes, neighborhoods, workplace, and communities. Join the party!

Use the resources and articles in this section to help you engage your friends, family and co-workers in reducing your carbon emissions. In addition, Do It Green! Minnesota offers The Eco Party Kit. It is based off of the idea of the 1980s Tupperware Party-offering a reason to bring people together in any kind of environment, including your own home. The Eco Party Kit offers many different ways to bring people together in a fun way to learn about climate change, understand our personal effect on the environment, and encourage each other to do something about it.

The Eco Party Kit offers games, quizzes, and activities available either for check-out or downloadable online. These kit activities are created for any kind of group that regularly meets or that would like to get together for the first time, and are suitable for adults, teens, children, and families.

To host an Eco Party or download the activities, visit

Make a Difference!

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