If you’re looking for ways to leave your car at home and reduce your carbon footprint, Metro Transit can help you pick the best option to get you moving.
Metro Transit has a variety of tools at metrotransit.org to get you started. One example is the Trip Planner which helps find the transit route that fits your needs. For instance, you can enter in a starting point, an end point destination and time of travel, and the Trip Planner will give you route options, fare information, and links to maps.
In addition, the NexTrip tool can help plan your trip down to the minute. You can access NexTrip on your computer, mobile device, or phone (612-373-3333). Just choose your route, direction, and nearest stop while NexTrip, using satellite bus-tracking technology, provides real-time departure information for trips within 20Â minutes and scheduled trips thereafter.
Consider these options to help you drive less:
If you want to carpool or vanpool, Metro Transit can help match you with other commuters. We maintain an online list of more than 9,000 commuters-if there isn’t a match at first, check back often since potential carpoolers are added every day. Creating an account with our online Carpool/Vanpool Planner is easy. Get started by clicking the Rideshare icon at metrotransit.org.
Twin Cities residents like to bike! Our region has thousands of bicycle commuters who bicycle year-round. It’s easy to combine bicycling and transit-all Metro Transit buses and trains have free bicycle racks.
Metro Transit also provides bicycle locker rental at sites throughout the Twin Cities. For just $4 per month plus a deposit, you can have weatherproof storage for your bike and gear.
Click the bicycling icon at metrotransit.org for resources on bicycle commuting, safety tips as well as the Bike2Benefits program, which allows you to track your commutes, CO2, and cost savings. Sign up and be eligible to win prizes for committing to bicycling.
We can help commuters set up vanpools and lease vehicles which saves money on gas as well as emissions. The vanpools carry between five and 15 commuters. The larger the group, the bigger the savings. Get started by clicking the Rideshare icon at metrotransit.org or calling 612-373-3333, option 4.
Guaranteed Ride Home
Commuters who ride the bus or train, carpool, vanpool, bicycle or walk at least three days a week to work or school are eligible for this free perk. All you neezd to do is register!
The Guaranteed Ride Home program ensures that you have a ride if you need it-for example, if you have a family issue or need to work unexpected hours, the Guaranteed Ride Home program can help.
We’ll come to you
If your company, organization or school wants to expand its commuter programs, we can help! Our employer outreach specialists can present details on smart alternatives, whether it’s carpooling, vanpooling, riding the bus or train, bicycling or walking. Contact us at metrotransit.org or email employerprograms@metc.state.mn.us or call 612-373-7545.
No matter which transportation alternative you choose, you’ll save money by filling up less often, reduce your stress of driving on congested roads, and help cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.