Purchase Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures

Your family can save 13,000 gallons of water per year with a low flush toilet, 2,900 gallons with a low flow shower head and 700 gallons with faucet aerators. Reducing temperature and usage of hot water will also save money and energy. Find more great water saving tips with our …

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Use Reusable Gift Bags

Americans produce 25% more trash during the holiday season, including about 2 million tons of wrapping paper that use an estimated 30 million trees per year! Eliminate your gift waste with creative packaging ideas like making your own from reclaimed fabric! See our full list of ideas for a No …

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Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programable thermostat can save $100 per year. Set it 2 degrees higher in summer and 2 degrees lower in winter for an additional money and energy savings. Check out the Home Energy Checklist for more great ideas!

Reduce Paper Waste at the Office

Office paper is highly recyclable, but reducing or preventing paper waste is even more cost effective than recycling. Some ideas for reducing office paper waste: Double-sided copying and printing. Reusing paper. Keep a collection box by the copy machine for bad copies so the second side can be reused. Make …

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Start a Recycling Program at Work

If your office doesn’t have a recycling program, consider being a catalyst for big change by starting one yourself. See our full list of tips on how to get started (including identifying a Recycling Coordinator and selecting a Recycling Company) in our article, Green Your Office.

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaners

Many of the chemicals found in the average store bought household cleaner are associated with health and environmental concerns. You can reduce your exposure to toxins at home by using fewer chemicals and making your own Non-Toxic Cleaners. Non-Toxic Cleaner Recipes

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