Category: General Plant native species and tend the demonstration prairie at Ole Olson Park

August 30, 2017 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Friends of the Mississippi River on Wednesday, August 30th from 6-8 PM, as we head back to Ole Olson Park along the riverfront for a summer evening of planting and tending the native demonstration prairie garden. Located just off the bike trail the demonstration prairie is home to showy flowers and grasses will not only beautify the park but provide much-needed bee, butterfly and bird habitat. This event will help further our long-term transformation and commitment at this site and to the river. This event is part of FMR's Above the Falls stewardship program — providing opportunities for education, access and hands-on restoration along the banks of the Mississippi River north of St. Anthony Falls. We are excited to continue to grow this program and engage citizens in the restoration process.
for more info, including sign up and location info, visit us at
To ensure a high-quality experience, capacity is limited and pre registration required. Registration closes Tuesday, August 29th, or upon reaching capacity.

For more information, visit: Plant native species and tend the demonstration prairie at Ole Olson Park

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