With its tall grass and wildflowers, the Sand Coulee offers a different kind of beauty. With less than 1 percent of Minnesota native prairie remaining, this highly protected preserve is no less than an oasis in a desert of wildlife habitat – 14 rare plant and animal species call the Coulee home. And with its deep prairie root systems, the Coulee also help filter pollutants from runoff water before it can enter the nearby Vermillion and Mississippi Rivers.
On June 27 from 6-8 pm, volunteers will work with Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) Restoration Ecologist Karen Schik to identify and help halt the spread of encroaching plants deemed by the Department of Natural Resources as a threat to the health of this important area. Together, volunteers and staff will remove a patch of the weedy invasive, helping to protect the prairie's threatened native plant species and improving wildlife habitat over the course of just a couple hours.
All are welcome, but capacity is limited and registration is required. As always, all tools and training will be provided and volunteers are encouraged to work at their own pace and comfort level. To learn more and register, visit https://fmr.org/events/2019/06/27/tend-rare-prairie-sand-coulee-sna
For more information, visit: Tend the rare prairie at the Hastings Sand Coulee SNA