With resource conservation, sustainability and green living on many people’s radar, it is no surprise that colleges are offering degrees and classes in these areas. Here is just a local sampling. Whether you are fresh out of high school looking to learn how to create a more sustainable society or you are ready to change careers or further your knowledge in these areas, there is a school or class for you at almost any educational institution. Take the plunge!
Northland College
Ashland, Wisconsin
715- 682-1699
Their motto is: “Environmental commitment is more than a course at Northland College; it is a way of life.” Also check out their green dorms and their inter-campus GEM (Global Electric Motorcar)!
Minneapolis College of Art & Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota
You can earn your certificate in sustainable design right in the heart of Minneapolis or from the comforts of your own home through online courses! Other learning opportunities include lectures and film viewings on campus.
Macalester College
St. Paul, Minnesota
Macalester is well-known for its environmental initiatives not only from the students, but also the faculty and staff. They’ve installed green roofs, a wind turbine and a rain garden. Check out their many “green” students groups as well.
Natural Step Framework Seminars
Alliance for Sustainability
allianceforsustainability.net and
The Natural Step Framework seminars are trainings for schools, communities, corporations or municipalities to address environmental challenges based on a scientifically-based approach.
Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network (MnSCN)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
MnSCN offers an online calendar listing free and fee-based events including lectures and trainings.