Explore your transportation options instead of driving alone. Sharing the ride in a carpool or vanpool can save you money, help the environment and allows you to relax during your commute. To get started, visit http://metrotransit.org/rideshare and use the Rideshare Planner. It will automatically match you with potential rideshare partners. We maintain an online list of more than 6,000 commuters—if there isn’t a match at first check back often since more rideshare partners are added everyday.
Vanpooling is a great option for those that live or work in the Twin Cities area and have a long commute. Vanpools typically carry between five and 15 commuters who commute to work an average of thee or more days per week. The Metropolitan Council sponsors a regional vanpool program, Van-GO!, that helps coordinate the lease of a van and subsidizes a percentage of the vanpooling costs. Visit http://metrotransit.org/rideshare to learn more about the Van-GO! vanpool service.
Meet Charlie Stark
Charlie Stark won the Commuter of the Year Award for his enthusiastic advocacy of vanpooling. He drives a bio-diesel vanpool each day from his Northfield home to Travelers Insurance, Inc., in downtown St. Paul. Stark hosts commuter fairs in Northfield and chairs the Transportation Committee of RENew Northfield. Stark mentions that there are three main benefits to vanpooling; “Vanpooling allows me to reduce my carbon footprint, relax while commuting and it saves me money. Our ten-person vanpool cuts carbon emissions by 95 percent compared to each of us driving alone to work.” Reconsider your commute options and learn more at http://metrotransit.org
Winner of 2008 Commuter Choice Award. Metro Transit