Achieving a Sustainable Lawn

Robert Mugaas University of Minnesota Extension Educator, Environmental Horticulture Most of us value our lawns for their various environmental, recreational and aesthetic benefits. However, when we mismanage or neglect our lawns we diminish or destroy these benefits. As it happens, with a few maintenance and schedule adjustments, most every homeowner …

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Getting Started with Green Building and Remodeling

Michael Anschel Otogawa-Anschel Design + Build The key to successful green building lies in two things: planning and communication. One of the big challenges in green construction and design is sorting through the vast ocean of information including all of the facts, fictions, and applications. Location, climate and building type …

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Flower Power

Meleah Maynard Master Gardener Everyone I know who grows flowers likes to bring them into the house, at least every once in a while. Fresh flowers always look great for the first few days, so it’s hard to imagine what all the fuss is about when people go on about …

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Is Your Garden Soil Leaded?

Katrina Edenfeld If you are planning to start a vegetable garden or if you have one already, you may be wondering what’s in your soil and is it healthy enough to grow food in it? The University of Minnesota (UMN) Soil Testing Laboratory offers tests for lead as well as …

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